The Moxie Movement

We’re reshaping what success means for you and flipping the script for generations of badass businesswomen to come. Welcome to the ultimate hangout where you can dive into our tribe of kickass mums who are building businesses that actually fit their lives – no side-eye judgments here, just a whole lot of curiosity and support. And guess what? We’re allergic to sugar coating, so you won’t find any fluff. We’re the squad that dishes out the real talk, tackles the tough stuff head-on, and dives into those tricky questions with a sprinkle of love. Get ready - we’re bringing our unfiltered selves to the table and digging deep! Get to know your host… Sarah is a business owner who has gone from overwhelmed and overbooked to successfully running a business AND being a great mum and wife. Through years of trial and error and PLENTY of mistakes, she’s learned how to create powerful frameworks that help businesses run sustainably, giving back time and energy to their owners. Now, she brings her knowledge to other female and mum entrepreneurs so they too can have a business that works perfectly with their life!

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Tuesday Jun 25, 2024

Welcome back to The Moxie Movement Podcast! In today’s episode, we're working through the key stages of The Power Hour, an essential weekly standard designed to help you reclaim your time, align your life and business with your core values, and take meaningful action toward your dreams.
What You’ll Learn:
The Story:
   - The driving force behind your desire for change.
   - How your current mindset and beliefs might be holding you back.
   - Unpacking these stories to free yourself for action and results.
   - Identifying what’s truly essential in your life right now.
   - Reflecting on whether your current life aligns with these essentials.
   - Designing a life and business that reflect your true priorities.
   - Crafting a clear vision for your life and business over the next 10 years.
   - Aligning your vision with what’s most important to you in this chapter of your life.
   - Using this vision to guide your decisions and actions.
   - Understanding decision fatigue and its impact on your life.
   - Implementing a simple framework to make the best decisions, even when you’re exhausted.
   - Avoiding decision fatigue to make choices that align with your goals.
Plan 365:
   - Creating a plan for the next 365 days to move towards your designed life.
   - Building great years from great maps.
   - Ensuring your daily actions support your long-term vision.
The Power Hour:
   - Setting aside one hour each week to align your actions with your vision.
   - Using this time to check, adjust, and plan your weekly actions.
   - Maximizing your productivity and progress with this simple, yet powerful, practice.
Join the Movement:
- Subscribe to ⁠The Moxie Movement Podcast⁠: Don’t miss out on future episodes packed with actionable insights and real talk for building a business tailored to your life. Plus the rest of The Off Switch Chapters
- Follow Us on ⁠Instagram⁠ and⁠ Facebook⁠: Join our community of like-minded women who are balancing life and business just like you. Submit your questions for upcoming podcasts and engage with us daily.
- Leave a Review: If you found this episode helpful, please leave a review. Your feedback helps us reach more women striving for a balanced and successful life.
Connect with Us:
- ⁠Instagram⁠
- ⁠Facebook Community⁠
-⁠ Facebook Page⁠
- ⁠Book Your Moxie Breakthrough Call⁠
Join us as we explore these key stages in more depth and give you a chance to step into your power, rewrite your story, and create the life and business you deserve. Let’s dive in!
Thank you for being part of The Moxie Movement. Together, we can stick our foot in the door of business success and pull as many woman through as possible. Let’s own our destiny, shall we?

Thursday Jun 20, 2024

Welcome to another empowering episode of The Moxie Movement Podcast! Today, we’re looking at the myths surrounding business ownership. If you’ve ever felt like the Jack (Jill) of all trades, this episode is for you. We’ll explore why trying to do it all is a recipe to get stuck and how you can shift from being the go-to for everything to mastering what truly matters in your business. 
In this episode, Sarah shares her personal journey from being overwhelmed with multiple roles to finding clarity and balance. Discover the importance of prioritizing, avoiding shiny distractions, and creating a business plan that aligns with your life and values. Learn how to navigate life’s unexpected twists without letting your business suffer, and why your well-being is crucial for business success.
Episode Highlights:
- The Jack of All Trades Myth: Understand why wearing too many hats leads to average results and how to focus on what you do best.
- Defining Business Ownership: Realize the true role of a business owner and why it’s not about doing everything yourself.
- Avoiding Shiny Distractions: Learn to prioritize what’s essential for your business growth instead of falling for the latest tools and courses.
- Creating Aligned Business Plans: Craft a business plan that resonates with your personal values and long-term goals.
- Handling Life’s Surprises: Tips on managing unexpected life changes while keeping your business on track.
- The Importance of Self-Care: Why prioritizing your health and well-being is the key to thriving in both business and personal life.
Join The Moxie Movement:
- Subscribe to The Moxie Movement Podcast: Never miss an episode! Subscribe now on your favorite podcast platform.
- Follow Us on Instagram and Facebook: Join our vibrant community for daily inspiration, tips, and exclusive content. Plus, you can submit your questions for upcoming podcast episodes!
- Book a One-on-One Session with Sarah: Ready to take action on what you’ve learned? Click here to book your personalized breakthrough session with Sarah. Let’s get your business and life working the way you want it.
Connect with Us:
- Instagram
- Facebook 
Listen Now:
Jump into the episode and transform your approach to business ownership. Remember, it’s about running the business, not letting it run you. Stay Moxie!

The Off Switch - Audio Book

Friday Jun 14, 2024

Friday Jun 14, 2024

Welcome to The Moxie Movement Podcast, where we help business-savvy moms achieve personal and financial success without sacrificing their well-being, family time, or sanity. In today's episode, I share my journey from burnout to balance and how you can do the same.
 Chapter One: Introduction In this chapter, I describe my story of overwork and its toll on my life. I used to think that sacrificing everything now would lead to freedom later. But that “someday” never came. I built my business for freedom, but it became a ball and chain. Like many of you, I got stuck in a cycle of overwork and missed moments with my family.
 Key Points:
- The Myth of Hard Work: Working harder isn’t always the answer. It’s about working smarter and finding balance.
- The Turning Point: Realizing that hard work alone won’t get you where you want to be.
- The Shift: Moving from burnout to a balanced life that values business success and personal well-being.
 My Journey:
- From Dreams to Burnout: I wanted the freedom of running my own business, but instead, I found myself overworked and exhausted.
- Major Life Lessons: From taking over my parents' business to running multiple ventures and experiencing the impact of the GFC, I learned what works and what doesn’t.
- A Wake-Up Call: My daughter’s simple request on Christmas Day made me realise the true cost of my choices. This moment led to big changes in how I approached my business and life.
Come Along For The Ride:
- Subscribe: Don’t miss an episode of The Moxie Movement Podcast. Subscribe now on your favorite podcast platform!
- Follow Us: Join our community on ⁠Instagram⁠ and⁠ Facebook.⁠ Stay connected, get updates, and submit your questions for upcoming episodes.
- Join the Conversation: Share your stories and experiences. Let’s build a supportive community where we can learn and grow together.
This chapter is just the start. It’s about recognising the patterns that hold us back, understanding that we can’t do everything at once, and making conscious choices that align with our true priorities.
Thanks for tuning in. Let’s step into our power, rewrite our stories, and build the lives and businesses we’ve always dreamed of.
For more insights, tips, and real talk, visit The ⁠Moxie Movement⁠. Remember to subscribe to our podcast, follow us on ⁠Instagram⁠ and ⁠Facebook⁠, and be part of a ⁠community⁠ that's redefining success for business-savvy moms.
Ready to make a change before you get a wakeup call - ⁠Book Your Moxie Breakthrough Call⁠ with Sarah Now together you can lay out an action plan to get you from stuck to savvy business owner.  

Tuesday May 21, 2024

Why Everything Feels Harder and Takes Longer Than You Expected
Can you relate to this looming question: why does everything in business and life take longer and feel harder than we expected?
Episode Highlights
You Are Not Alone: Feeling like things are taking forever? You’re not crazy. It’s normal. Business, like life, often demands more time, effort, and resilience than we initially thought.
The Full Picture: We rarely see the entire journey behind someone’s success. When we’re only shown the highlights, it’s easy to forget the hard work and setbacks. Let’s explore why it feels so tough and what we can do about it.
Life Happens: From global events like pandemics to personal health issues, life always throws curveballs. It's important to remember that these challenges are part of the journey and do not reflect your capabilities.
The Unknowns: When we start, there’s so much we don’t know. This lack of knowledge can make tasks seem easy but then feel insurmountable. But as we gain experience, we become better at estimating and tackling these challenges.
Playing an Unusual Game: Running a business is not the norm for most people. The pressure and expectations can feel overwhelming, especially when those around you don’t understand your journey. Surrounding yourself with like-minded individuals is crucial.
Comparison Trap: Each journey is unique. Comparing yourself to others can lead to frustration and self-doubt. Focus on your path, your milestones, and your goals.
Key Takeaways
Get Clear on Your Vision: Define what you want your business and life to look like. Write it down and keep that vision front and center.
Find Your Tribe: Surround yourself with people who understand your journey. They can be a source of motivation and accountability.
Take Consistent Action: Break down your goals into weekly tasks. Consistent, small steps lead to significant progress over time.
Join Us
If today's episode resonated with you, don’t forget to subscribe to The Moxie Movement Podcast. Join our community of badass businesswomen who are redefining success on their terms.
Follow us on Instagram and Facebook for more inspiration and to submit your questions for upcoming episodes. Let’s continue this journey together, lifting each other up and achieving our dreams without sacrificing what matters most.
Thank you for tuning in, and remember, you are not alone. Keep pushing forward, and let's make those dreams a reality!
Sarah Greener is the founder of The Moxie Movement, dedicated to empowering business-savvy moms to achieve success without compromising their well-being or family time. Discover more at The Moxie Movement.

Tuesday Apr 30, 2024

Tune in to explore the cornerstones to preventing the juggle that happens when Mum life, school holidays, and business collide: rituals, routines, and habits.
Structure eases our busy lives, particularly when navigating family and business demands. From the school term's predictable cadence to the chaos of vacation days, we'll cover strategies to keep you and your business on track.
In This Episode:- Why Structure Works: Unpack the benefits of having a consistent daily framework, especially when the kids are back in school.- Managing the Mayhem: Practical advice for keeping your cool and your business thriving during the less structured times (school holidays anyone??).- The Beauty of Repetition: Find out why the secret to sustained business success might be as simple as doing what works, over and over.- Breaking the Monotony: I'll discuss how introducing new experiences can stop you breaking what's working and creating crisis when you don't need to. 
Transitions can be tough for business owners and mothers. I’ll share personal stories and tips from our community on managing these shifts without losing our minds or momentum.
Key Takeaways:- Set up routines that fit both your family life and business aspirations.- Learn when and how to inject fun and spontaneity to keep life exciting.- Discover how robust systems create space creativity and enhance business results
Connect With Us:Do you have a question or an idea for a future episode? Follow and message us on Instagram and Facebook We'd love your input, it helps shape our next discussion!
Subscribe for More:If this episode resonates with you, subscribe to The Moxie Movement Podcast on your preferred platform. Share it with someone who would benefit from our conversation, and drop us a review. We love your thoughts as we grow this community.
Stay tuned, embrace the structure that rituals and routines offer, and remember: they're not just constraints—they're the frameworks that free us.
Tune in, Get Inspired, and Excel with The Moxie Movement!

Living in the "And"

Tuesday Apr 16, 2024

Tuesday Apr 16, 2024

This episode feels a bit out there, but stick with me — it helps navigate the bumpy journey we are all on. We're discussing what it means to live in the "and".
📍 **Episode Overview**  This episode breaks down the myth of having it "all figured out." It’s easy to scroll through social media and believe others have perfect lives. Here's the raw truth: life isn’t black and white; it’s lived in the shades of grey. I share why embracing this mindset eases the pressure and enriches our experiences as business owners.
🔍 **Why Listen?**  - Understand why life and business can’t fit into neat, tidy boxes.- Learn to accept that multiple realities can coexist—success can mingle with challenges, and that’s perfectly okay.- Discover how embracing complexity can lead to a calmer experience of personal and business growth.
🎧 **In This Episode, You’ll Learn:**  - The importance of recognizing both the light and dark moments in life.- Practical tips for handling the juxtaposition of success and difficulty.- How to give yourself grace and space to navigate these dualities, making the business journey more manageable and less isolating.
👥 **Join the Conversation**  Got a question or want to share your “and” moments? Follow and message us on Instagram or Facebook . Your insights could be featured in an upcoming episode!
📲 **Stay Connected**  Don’t forget to subscribe to The Moxie Movement Podcast on your favourite platform. New to the community? Dive into our resources like the “Off Switch Book” for actionable steps to realign your business with your life goals, or book a Moxie Breakthrough Session to start transforming your business experience today.
🎉 **Closing Thoughts**  Remember, it’s okay to have conflicting feelings about your successes and challenges. Living in the “and” is not just about business—it's about building a life filled with understanding, patience, and growth. You're doing great; let’s keep embracing the journey together.
Till next time, Stay Moxie. 💪

Why Knowing Isn't Enough

Tuesday Apr 09, 2024

Tuesday Apr 09, 2024

🌟 Welcome to Episode 29: Why Knowing Isn't Enough 🌟
Often, the best truths are both simple and complex - Simple to Say, often Complex to embody.
Knowing is not enough - is absolutely one of those. 
Knowing how to do something is not enough to bring about the change we desire in our lives and businesses. If it were, we would all be living perfect lives with millions in our bank accounts, wouldn't we? Let's discover what it really takes to bring about lasting change.
🔥 Episode Highlights: 🔥
We often believe understanding the 'what' and the 'how' of something should lead us to success. However, the reality is pretty different. It's not just about the actions or strategies—it's about aligning those with our deeper mental frameworks, the ones created over years of conditioning. This episode explores the crucial 80/20 rule, where 80% is your mindset, and only 20% is the actual tactics.
The Myth of Action: Why simply knowing what to do doesn't lead to results.
Mindset Over Mechanics: Learn why your inner game dictates your success far more than any strategy.
Real Alignment: How to sync your beliefs, values, and emotions with your business goals to effortlessly encourage action.
Simplicity in Execution: I'll share why simplifying processes isn't just a preference—it's a necessity for sustainable success.
🌈 Why This Matters 🌈
As smart, savvy women in business, we sometimes complicate things that could be straightforward because we're conditioned to believe that complexity equals value. Here at The Moxie Movement, we (now) know better. We're about cutting through the noise, doing the deep internal work, and making success achievable by aligning our mindset with our methods.
🎧 Listen In For 🎧
An in-depth discussion on how true business success is not just about applying the right tactics but nurturing the right mindset. I’ll also introduce tools and concepts that can transform not just your business but your life—making it more aligned with the freedom and success you truly desire.
👥 Join Our Community 👥
Ready for more? Subscribe to The Moxie Movement Podcast on your favourite platform. Follow us on Instagram and Facebook for the latest updates and behind-the-scenes content. Plus, you can submit your questions for upcoming episodes—let's make it interactive!
Have you heard something today that struck a chord? Maybe it’s time to reassess not just what you’re doing but also how you’re thinking. Share your thoughts with us on social media, or better yet, dive into our community, where we normalize success and redefine business operations.
Until next time, keep stepping into your power and stay moxie!

Tuesday Apr 02, 2024

🎙️ Passive Income - The Glorious Exception or a Red Flag?
Is passive income the magic pill to create the perfect business, or is it a red flag sending you on a wild goose chase with the promise of no work for lots of money? Let's unpack this together.
🚩 Why Passive Income Might Be a Red Flag 🚩
Sarah shares her thoughts on why pursuing passive income could be counterintuitive for female entrepreneurs like you. The essence of passive, meaning to do nothing, doesn't align with the spirit that led you to start your own business. It's about influence, control, and direct action – not sitting back and hoping for the best.
The Reality of Income Streams
Sarah explores the efforts behind seemingly effortless gains of traditional passive income streams. Whether it's real estate or stock investments, action and maintenance are inevitable. It's a gentle reminder that every income stream, passive or not, demands something from us – be it time, money, or energy.
The Appeal vs. The Reality
Sure, the idea of earning money in your sleep is alluring, but is it practical? Sarah challenges this notion, encouraging a mindset shift towards value exchange and active engagement in your business. It's not just about setting and forgetting; it's about continuous effort, learning, and adapting.
Building a Leveraged Business
Yes, you can create systems that generate income with less day-to-day input, but it requires initial (and ongoing) action. From developing a product or service that people want, to setting up a sales and delivery system, there's work to be done. And in a changing world, maintenance and adaptation become your constants.
Join The Moxie Movement
If you're ready to embrace action, align your business with your highest priorities, and maintain control over your journey, then you're ready to join the Moxie Movement. 
🌟 What's Next 🌟
Subscribe to The Moxie Movement Podcast: Don't miss out on insights that align with your journey as a business-savvy mom and entrepreneur.
Follow Us on Instagram & Facebook: Join our vibrant community, get inspired, and submit your questions for upcoming episodes. We're here to support you, every step of the way.
Stay Moxie, Until Next Time

Tuesday Mar 26, 2024

All the women I know who are successful and happy in business fall into one of two categories regarding their relationship status.
1. Single
2. They have a supportive partner, husband, wife at home. 
There is no third option. And if you love your business, want to make it work. Then you need to get yourself into one of those categories ASAP. Rather than scaring you.. let's chat about how. 
🌟 Episode Highlights:
The Non-Negotiable Role of Support: Discover why having a partner who backs you in every aspect of your journey isn't just a nice-to-have.
The Reality Check: Sarah opens up about the truth of doing business without partner support and shares her gratitude for her husband Jonny's ongoing backing, even when his text messages give her a mini heart attack!
The Balanced Equation: Learn the importance of sharing household and parenting responsibilities. Simple steps to evaluate and then share the load to support your business goals.
Courageous Conversations: This episode doesn’t just highlight challenges; it offers a roadmap to initiating tough but necessary chats that get you moving to a more balanced partnership and business success.
Sarah's Stories: From humorous text message misunderstandings to shared responsibilities and the dynamic of their partnership, Sarah shares insights from her own life with Jonny, offering listeners a relatable and authentic perspective. (Promise we will get Jonny on soon for his perspective.)
🚀 Your Takeaways:
Recognize if you're getting the support you need and what to do if you're not.
Practical steps to rebalance household roles for mutual success.
Encouragement to celebrate your achievements and recognize the support system around you.
💡 What's Next:
Subscribe to The Moxie Movement Podcast: Don't miss out on future episodes that blend real talk with lived experience for mums and women building businesses tailored to their lives.
Connect and Contribute: Follow us on Instagram and Facebook for your daily dose of empowerment and to submit questions for Sarah to tackle in upcoming episodes.
Engage with Our Community: Share your stories, challenges, and victories. Let’s create a movement where support and success go hand in hand.
If you’re navigating being a businesswoman with a life partner (by whatever name), this episode is for you.  It’s time to redefine success, to ensure our businesses thrive without sacrificing the relationships that matter most. 
Stay Moxie, and let’s rewrite the script, together.

Tuesday Mar 19, 2024

Hey, my Beautiful Dreamer! Got a huge vision for your business? That’s fantastic, but let me be straight with you: dreaming is the easy part. It’s what you do next that counts. Welcome to the raw, real talk you didn’t know you needed until now.
I’m Sarah Greener, and today, we're cutting through the fluff. This episode isn’t for the faint-hearted. It’s for those ready to roll up their sleeves and dive deep into the trenches of turning dreams into reality.
What We're Unpacking:
The Hard Truth: Your epic idea? That’s just 1% of the journey. The rest? It’s all about the work, the action, the doing. You ready?
The Grind Over Glam: Discover why falling in love with the daily grind, not just the glam of 'big ideas', is your ticket to real success.
Keepin’ It Real: I’m sharing the unsexy truth about business - it’s not all rainbows and sunshine. It’s about doing the work, even when it’s downright boring.
Systems and Accountability: We’re talking about how to make your business work like a well-oiled machine – even when you’re not in the room.
Listen, I’ve been where you are. Obsessed with the vision, but then reality hits. It’s not about those initial fireworks; it’s about the steady burn that keeps the light shining bright.
Why You Need to Hear This: Because dreaming won’t build your business. Execution will. Let’s get real about what it takes to move from dreamer to doer.
Your Action Steps:
Hit Subscribe: Stay plugged into The Moxie Movement Podcast. Future you will thank you.
Get Social With Us: Follow us on Instagram and Facebook. This is where the magic happens. Share your journey, get involved, and throw your questions at me for future episodes.
Be Part of the Movement: This isn’t just another podcast. It’s your wake-up call to do the work, embrace the journey, and bring those dreams into your reality.
If you’re ready to stop dreaming and start doing, you’re in the right place. We're here to build not just businesses, but lives full of purpose, profit, and progress.
Catch you on the flip side, where dreams meet action.
Until then, keep it Moxie.


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