The Moxie Movement

We’re reshaping what success means for you and flipping the script for generations of badass businesswomen to come. Welcome to the ultimate hangout where you can dive into our tribe of kickass mums who are building businesses that actually fit their lives – no side-eye judgments here, just a whole lot of curiosity and support. And guess what? We’re allergic to sugar coating, so you won’t find any fluff. We’re the squad that dishes out the real talk, tackles the tough stuff head-on, and dives into those tricky questions with a sprinkle of love. Get ready - we’re bringing our unfiltered selves to the table and digging deep! Get to know your host… Sarah is a business owner who has gone from overwhelmed and overbooked to successfully running a business AND being a great mum and wife. Through years of trial and error and PLENTY of mistakes, she’s learned how to create powerful frameworks that help businesses run sustainably, giving back time and energy to their owners. Now, she brings her knowledge to other female and mum entrepreneurs so they too can have a business that works perfectly with their life!

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15 hours ago

Hey Moxie Movers! 🎧 In this episode, we're breaking down Chapter 14 of The Off Switch. This chapter is a game-changer, so listen up.
Episode Summary:
After seven years in business, I realized traditional business plans were useless for me. No one asked how my life fit into the plan. It took my five-year-old on Christmas Day to make me see this. I want you to act before someone you love has to push you.
Here's what Chapter 14 covers:
Vision First: Focus on what really matters to you. Ignore society, friends, and social media. What lights you up? Build your life around that. 🔥
Align Your Business: Make sure your business serves your life. Whether you want a small, flexible business or a big one with a team, it should fit your priorities. 🏆
The Power Hour: Use your weekly Power Hour to make clear decisions and stick to them. Let your calendar guide you. 🗓️
Set Boundaries: Communicate clear boundaries in work and life. People will respect the lines you draw once you make them known. 🚧
Minimize Interruptions: Turn off distractions. Digital notifications and real-world interruptions—create time blocks for focused work. 📵
Just Start: Don't wait for perfection. Get started, aim for progress, and adjust as needed. Close enough is good enough. 💪
 Accept Help: Embrace support. Lean into the discomfort of accepting help and watch great things happen. 🤝

3 days ago

Welcome to Episode 44 of The Moxie Movement Podcast! Today, we're diving into Chapter 13 of "The Off Switch," where I share real-life case studies from my clients. This chapter is all about proof—seeing how real women, just like you, have transformed their businesses and lives by finding balance and alignment.
 Episode Highlights:
Theresa's Transformation: 🌟
Theresa loved being spontaneous but struggled to balance growth and sales. By aligning her business with her life priorities, she now enjoys clear planning, reduced stress, and a thriving business. Theresa's story shows how alignment brings success and clarity.
Nikki's Leap of Faith: 🌟
Nikki was stuck and hesitant to invest in her business. Once she did, she found that aligning her beliefs with her business goals unlocked her potential. Nikki's resilience and planning helped her thrive even during tough times.
Rebecca's Road to Clarity: 🌟
Rebecca was overwhelmed with procrastination. By implementing structured processes and planning, she gained clarity and took decisive action. Rebecca's commitment to doing the work transformed her time management and business success.
Brie's Confidence Boost: 🌟
Brie battled imposter syndrome and felt overwhelmed. Through coaching, she gained control over her schedule and business processes, leading to newfound confidence and growth. Brie's story is about creating a solid foundation for her business.
 Key Takeaways:
Alignment Between Life and Business: Aligning your business goals with your life priorities reduces stress and boosts productivity.
Importance of Planning: Structured planning helps you control your time and focus on high-priority tasks.
Overcoming Limiting Beliefs: Challenging and reworking internal beliefs unlocks new levels of success.
Investment in Growth: Investing in coaching and strategic planning pays off financially and emotionally.

5 days ago

Welcome back to The Moxie Movement Podcast! Today, we're diving into Chapter 12 of The Off Switch. I'm sharing my top tips to help you balance your business and life without losing your sanity. Let’s get straight to it.
 Key Takeaways from Chapter 12:
Aim for 80%
Perfection is a myth. If you hit 80% of your planned tasks, you’re doing great. I used to aim for 100% and only hit 50%. Be realistic about what you can achieve. You’re not superwoman.
Be Honest with Your Time
Stop lying to yourself about how long things take. You can’t make a 30-minute school run in 15 minutes. Schedule the actual time you need, not the fantasy version.
Commit to 90 Days
Planning takes practice. Give it 90 days to figure out what works for you. Adjust your plan as you go. Maybe you need to plan two weeks at a time or a whole month. Find what fits your life and business.
Allocate Firefighting Time
Things will pop up. Set blocks of time for handling unexpected issues. My husband, a volunteer firefighter, does this. He sets aside time each week for potential call-outs. Do the same for your business fires.
Embrace Spontaneity
Being organized doesn’t mean you can’t have fun. Use your plan to see where you can take a break. Pick the kids up early and go on an adventure. Make deliberate choices to prioritize family time.
 🌟 Special Message from Sarah
Hey, it’s Sarah! I’m glad you’re taking steps to blend your business and life. Learning is good, but using what you’ve learned is better.
👉 Ready to take action? Check the show notes and book a one-on-one session with me. Let’s get your business and life working the way you want.
 🔗 Links & Resources
- Book Your Moxie Breakthrough Session
- Follow Us on Facebook and Instagram
- Join Our Facebook Community
📬 Stay Connected
Don't miss out on future episodes! Subscribe to The Moxie Movement Podcast and get the latest tips to balance your business and life.
💬 Got questions or topics you want covered? Follow us on Instagram and Facebook, and submit your questions for upcoming podcasts. Your journey to a balanced and thriving business starts here.
Stay Moxie, and let’s own our destiny together!

Saturday Jul 20, 2024

Mastering The Power Hour—a game‭•changing strategy that will transform how you manage your time and align your actions with your biggest goals.
In Chapter 11 of "The Off Switch," I explain the Power Hour, a dedicated hour each week where you realign with your vision and highest life priorities. This isn’t just another meeting; it’s a meeting with your future self—the one who’s achieving all your hopes and dreams.
Key Takeaways:
‭• Schedule Your Power Hour:
Treat this hour like a sacred meeting. It should never be cancelled or rescheduled.
Find the best time for you, whether Thursday morning, Friday afternoon, or late at night when the house is quiet.
‭• Set Up Your Power Hour Folder:
  Include your time story, highest life priorities, vision sheets, annual goals, and monthly goals.
  Keep a dedicated space or journal for all your planning.
‭• The Power Hour Process:
  Realign: Spend 15‭•20 minutes reading through your vision, goals, and priorities to refocus your mind.
  Evaluate: Use a weekly evaluation form to score your alignment with your highest priorities. Aim to improve each score by two points next week.
 Chunk: List out your tasks under each priority, including everything you need to do, want to do, or could do. Assign time frames to each task.
  ‭Challenge: Review and question if all activities align with your priorities. Delegate or eliminate where possible.
  Schedule: Transfer your plan into your calendar. Ensure it’s shareable with your team and family to avoid conflicts and ensure everyone is on the same page.
Action Steps:
Schedule Your Power Hour: Block out this time in your calendar now.
Create Your Power Hour Folder: Gather all necessary documents and tools.
Follow the Process: Implement the steps above during your Power Hour each week.

Thursday Jul 18, 2024

🎧 This episode is a must-listen for every business-savvy mom and entrepreneur ready to take back control of her week and align it with her vision for life and business.
We are focusing on creating Your Ideal Week. It's time to turn chaos into clarity and move from merely surviving to thriving.💪
Key Takeaways:
- Assess Your Current Week: 
  Before creating your ideal week, you need to understand how you're currently spending your time. Grab a weekly planner and map out every detail of your last seven days. Trust me, seeing it on paper can be a real eye-opener! 📅✍️
- Design Your Ideal Week: 
  Now, envision your perfect week, one that reflects your highest life priorities and brings you closer to your vision. Use the same planner to craft this ideal schedule, making sure to include specific actions that align with your goals.
- Spot the Differences: 
  Compare your current week with your ideal week. What needs to change? Identify the gaps and start taking action to remove or adjust tasks that don't serve your vision. This is where real transformation begins! 🌟
- Power Hour: 
  The process I swear by: The Power Hour. This sacred, uninterrupted hour each week allows you to reconnect with your vision, prioritise your tasks, and make mindful decisions about your time. It's the single most powerful change I've made in my business and life, and it's a non-negotiable for my clients. ⏰✨
Action Steps:
Plan Your Week: Use the steps from this episode to draft your current and ideal weeks.
Implement the Power Hour: Start dedicating one hour each week to realign with your goals and priorities.
Subscribe & Follow: Don’t miss out on future episodes— subscribe to The Moxie Movement Podcast  and stay updated!
Join the Conversation: Follow us on Instagram and Facebook where you can submit questions for upcoming episodes and share your journey with us.

Tuesday Jul 16, 2024

Visually seeing the year would ensure everything fits. Here at The Moxie Movement we call that Plan 365. It’s Chapter 9 of my audio book, The Off Switch. We’re going to get serious about planning the next 365 days of your life and business so that you can achieve your goals without getting overwhelmed. 
Episode Highlights:
The Power of Annual Planning: Learn why planning for the next year is crucial for achieving your milestones and staying on track with your highest life priorities.
Breaking Down Your Vision: Discover how to break down your 10-year vision into manageable yearly chunks to make progress feel less daunting.
Step-by-Step Guide: Follow a step-by-step process to fill in your annual planner, starting with non-negotiable dates like school holidays, public holidays, important events, and already booked trips.
Prioritize Yourself: Challenge yourself to put your own priorities on the planner first, even if it feels uncomfortable. This is key to taking control of your life and business.
Color-Coded Planning: Learn how using color codes can help you quickly visualize where you stand with your goals and priorities.
Flexibility tools: post-it notes are my go-to tool for the flexibility to adjust your plans without losing sight of your milestones. (Make sure to get the uber sticky ones.)
Aligning Calendars: Check in with the important people in your life to ensure your plans align and avoid scheduling clashes.
Key Takeaways:
Annual planning helps break down your big goals into manageable tasks and keeps you focused on what truly matters.
To make your planning process visual and flexible, use a big wall planner, colored pens, highlighters, and post-it notes.
Prioritise your goals and milestones to ensure you're taking care of yourself while pursuing your business objectives.
Check in regularly and adjust your plans as needed, making your planner a living document that evolves with your life.
Join us over at The Moxie Movement. 
If you found this episode helpful, don’t forget to subscribe to The Moxie Movement Podcast! Follow us on Instagram and Facebook, where you can submit your questions for upcoming episodes.
Ready to take action and implement what you've learned? ⁠Book a one-on-one Moxie Breakthrough Call with me⁠. Let’s work together to plan your year and make your business and life work the way you want.
Stay Moxie, my friends!
- ⁠Subscribe to the Podcast⁠
- ⁠Follow us on Instagram⁠
- ⁠Follow us on Facebook⁠
-⁠ Book a Moxie Breakthrough Session

Saturday Jul 13, 2024

Welcome back to The Moxie Movement Podcast. Today, we’re discussing Chapter 8 of my audio book, The Off Switch, "Decide." Too many choices can overwhelm us. This episode is about cutting through that chaos and making decisions that align with our goals and values. 
Episode Highlights:
The Truth About Not Deciding: Think you're postponing a decision? Spoiler: you're not. Not deciding is a decision with its own consequences.
The Evolution of Choices: Once upon a time, choices were limited. Today, they're endless. Learn how this impacts your daily life.
Beating Overwhelm: Simple hacks to reduce decision fatigue, like setting routines and limiting choices.
The Power of "No": Saying "no" can be your secret weapon for staying on track.
Making Big Decisions: A straightforward guide to handling big choices without getting stuck.
Non-Fatal vs. Fatal Decisions: Know the difference so you can move forward with confidence.
Key Takeaways:
- Decision fatigue is real. Minimise choices and stick to routines to beat it.
- Use a clear framework to ensure your decisions align with your vision and priorities.
- Always have more than two options to avoid feeling trapped.
- Regularly check in on your decisions to keep improving your life and business.
Join us on the journey: 
If you found this episode helpful, hit that subscribe button on The Moxie Movement Podcast! Follow us on Instagram and Facebook, and drop your questions for future episodes. 
Ready to take action? Book a one-on-one Moxie Breakthrough Session with me and let's get your life and business working the way you want.
Stay Moxie, my friends!
- Subscribe to the Podcast
- Follow us on Instagram
- Follow us on Facebook
- Book a Moxie Breakthrough Session

Thursday Jul 11, 2024

Welcome to another episode of The Moxie Movement podcast. Today, we are sharing Chapter 7 of "The Off Switch" audiobook, focusing on Vision—because every successful journey needs a destination.
I'm Sarah Greener, your narrator and guide, and I'm here to ensure your business doesn't just survive but thrives—aligned perfectly with the life you desire.
Vision: Setting Your Course for Success
Today, we explore why having a clear vision for your business and life is paramount. Without it, you're left navigating by default, settling for average outcomes that aren’t aligned with who you are. Let's break free from average, shall we?
Your Vision, Your Power
Your vision isn't just a goal—it's a compass guiding every decision. It's about what you want, what lights you up. Think bigger than ever before because you're capable of more than you imagine.
Crafting Your Vision
Start by envisioning each of your highest life priorities 10 years from now. What will success look like? How will it feel? Who will you impact? Paint this picture vividly because clarity will help drive your action.
Practical Steps to Success
We'll reverse-engineer your vision with specific, measurable milestones at 10-, 5-, 3-, and 1-year intervals. This roadmap ensures you stay on track, adjusting as needed to achieve your ultimate dreams.
Take Action Today
Ready to transform vision into reality? Click the link in the show notes to book a one-on-one session with me. Let's tailor your business and life for success, starting now.
Join the Movement
Subscribe to The Moxie Movement podcast for more insight, from years of experience doing both the right AND the wrong thing… so you don’t have too. Follow us on Instagram and Facebook to submit questions for upcoming episodes. Together, let's redefine success on our terms.

Tuesday Jul 09, 2024

Welcome to Episode 37 of The Moxie Movement Podcast, featuring Chapter 6 of "The Off Switch". In today's episode, we learn the art of discovery—uncovering what truly matters in your life to achieve balance and success on your terms in business.
Discovering Your True Priorities
Discovering isn't just about uncovering; it's about consciously defining what's essential to you. From family to societal expectations, Sarah explores how our values shape our lives, often without conscious examination.
Aligning Actions with Priorities
Are you living in alignment with what truly matters to you? Sarah shares practical tips on how to assess your priorities honestly. From how you spend your time and money to the items you keep closest, discover the key indicators that reveal your true priorities.
Making Deliberate Changes
Today is the day to stop, think, and make deliberate changes. Sarah guides you through exercises to clarify your top priorities and make adjustments where needed to align with your desired life.
Your Invitation to Take Action
Ready to integrate these insights into your life and business? Schedule a one-on-one session here with Sarah. Let's tailor a plan to blend your business and life, starting today.
Stay Connected
Subscribe to The Moxie Movement Podcast for more empowering episodes like this one. Follow us on Instagram and Facebook to submit your questions for future shows and stay inspired to live with moxie.
Thank you for tuning in. Until next time, stay moxie!

Tuesday Jul 02, 2024

Forget the usual time management fluff—in this episode, we're tackling the real stuff: the stories we tell ourselves that shape our actions.
 Episode Highlights:
- Why Tactics Fall Short: Ever notice how knowing exactly what to do never quite translates to doing it? It’s all about the stories in your head. Let’s break down why changing these stories is key to real results.
- The Power of Belief: Discover how your repetitive thoughts turn into beliefs that either push you forward or drag you down. I’m here to show you how your brain locks onto these beliefs and what you can do about it.
- Rewriting Your Time Story: I’ll walk you through a straightforward four-step process to craft a new story about time. This isn’t about squeezing more hours into your day; it’s about reshaping your priorities and outcomes.
 What You’ll Discover:
The Science of Thoughts: Get a grip on the 60,000 to 80,000 thoughts you have each day and how they steer your life.
A Four-Step Story Rewrite: Practical steps to redefine your time narrative—making time management a powerful tool for personal and professional growth.
 This Episode Is For You If:
- You’re sick of old-school time management tricks that don’t last.
- You want to align your actions with your real goals.
- You’re ready to change how you think about time, benefiting not just you but also those around you.
 Ready to Take Control?
Grab a pen and journal as you listen, and start crafting a narrative that reflects the life you aim to lead. Understand and reshape the core beliefs that drive your daily decisions.
 🎧 Listen, Learn, and Take Action:
- Subscribe to The Moxie Movement Podcast: Hit that subscribe button and join a community rewriting their stories to master their time and lives.
- Connect with Us: Follow us on Instagram and Facebook. Share your thoughts, ask questions, and stay in the loop with all things Moxie.
Have questions or need advice for a future episode? Post them on our social platforms, and let's tackle them together!
Ready to apply what you’ve learned today with some direct help? Here is a link to my calendar—book some one-on-one time with me, and let's align your business and life just the way you want them.
🚀 Stay Moxie, own your time, rewrite your stories, and redefine success on your terms. Catch you in the next episode!


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